MUNAY in Quechua (the ancient language of the Incan Empire) means LOVE. To walk in MUNAY is to walk in the power of love. This is the energy in which our yoga products are crafted. Our intention is to make a difference in this World by spreading our love into as many homes & yoga studios as possible, through the frequency that is infused into our yoga products.




MUNAY in Quechua (the ancient language of the Incan Empire) means LOVE. To walk in MUNAY is to walk in the power of love. This is the energy in which our yoga products are crafted. Our intention is to make a difference in this World by spreading our love into as many homes & yoga studios as possible, through the frequency that is infused into our yoga products.



After having gone through breast cancer and a mastectomy, I lost faith in my body. What had I done wrong? How could I fix this? What could I do to try and prevent this from happening again? Somehow, in the middle of the storm yoga found me. She whispered to my soul and called me to come and play. She coaxed me to listen and connect to my body. I did. And, I fell in LOVE!

In love with yoga.

In love with myself for the first time ever.

In love with my body, her language, story, scars, her magic, her power.

In love with my mind and its limitless capabilities.

In love with my spirit as the centre of my being.

All of this sacred transformation took place on my precious, loving and very forgiving yoga mat. The beauty and symbology of my yoga mat dawned on me. It was my very own magical carpet that I could take anywhere in the world to create a quiet, sacred space for self-love, nurturing, health and healing. A symbol that needed to be protected, honoured and kept safe. I sewed my first yoga mat bag with love and respect for what it would carry. 

I arrived at my next yoga session with my mat proudly stashed in its new MUNAY yoga bag. The students in the class fell in love with it, asked me to make one for them, and MUNAY yoga was born!

As MUNAY bags hit the yoga community, yoga teachers and students approached me to design and make additional products. I was up for the task. Over the past 5 years our range has expanded from yoga mat bags, to yoga props, blankets, clothing and accessories. As we continue to grow, I am truly blessed to be doing so alongside THE most amazing community of open hearted and loving yogis. 

After having gone through breast cancer and a mastectomy, I lost faith in my body. What had I done wrong? How could I fix this? What could I do to try and prevent this from happening again? Somehow, in the middle of the storm yoga found me. She whispered to my soul. She called me to come and play. She called me to connect and listen to my body. I did. And, I fell in LOVE!

In love with yoga.

In love with myself for the first time ever.

In love with my body, her language, story, scars, her magic, her power.

In love with my mind and its limitless capabilities.

In love with my spirit as the centre of my being.

All of this sacred transformation took place on my precious, loving and very forgiving yoga mat. The beauty and symbology of my yoga mat dawned on me. It was my very own magical carpet that I could take anywhere in the world to create a quiet, sacred space for self-love, nurturing, health and healing. A symbol that needed to be protected, honoured and kept safe. I sewed my first yoga mat bag with love and respect for what it would carry.

I arrived at my next yoga session with my mat proudly stashed in its new MUNAY yoga bag. The students in the class fell in love with it, asked me to make one for them, and MUNAY yoga was born!

As MUNAY bags hit the yoga community, yoga teachers and students approached me to design and make additional products. I was up for the task. Over the past 5 years our range has expanded from yoga mat bags, to yoga props, blankets, clothing and accessories. As we continue to grow, I am truly blessed to be doing so alongside THE most amazing community of open hearted and loving yogis. 



AKA the MUNAY Mama & founder. Pours her heart & soul into the creation of her products. Fiercly loves her clients and team.  Works hard, laughs harder & is in ‘YES B!!CHES’ mode 24/7!


Aka Makhulu boss. Our magic maker. The kindest most gentle soul. Bringer of joy and lover of music….loud music 🙂 Keeps us laughing and entertained. Favourite saying “Mawa – See you tomorrow.”


Aka Leets. Pint sized powerhouse. Hippy at heart. Mural whizz & musician. Soul artist. Not much she doesn’t know about pretty much everything. Favourite saying “Good vibes only.”


Aka Queenie Queen. Our grounding force who constantly keeps us on our toes. Solid as a rock. Kindest Goggo with a heart of gold & a smile that can light up a room. Favourite saying “Hallo julle”.